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Vitamins are considered essential (micro)nutrients. They assist with hundreds of processes in our body. We need vitamins for our metabolism, our vitality and our well-being. A distinction can be made between fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. In our shop you will find a large selection of 14 different vitamins, available in different substances and sizes.

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Active B-Complex
With 5 mg NADH
90 Capsule
In stock


ADK Evail™
60 Softgels
In stock
Designs for Health


Adult's Chewable
Multivitamin-Lutschtabletten für Erwachsene
90 Lozenges
Out of stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® AcidophiKidz®
Probiotika für Kinder
90 Lozenges
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® Assorted
Lutschtabletten in Tierform, Kirsch-, Orangen- und Traubengeschmack
90, 180 Chewables
In stock
Natures Plus

€25.18 - €41.65

Animal Parade® Baby Plex®
Vitamintropfen für Babys
60 ml Liquid
Out of stock
Natures Plus


  • A large selection of choice
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  • Fast dispatch 
Animal Parade® Calcium, 125 mg
Calcium-Lutschtabletten mit Vanillegeschmack für Kinder
90 Tozenges animal shape
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® DHA
90 Lutschtabletten in Tierform mit Kirschgeschmack für Kinder
90 Lozenges
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® GOLD Multivitamin assorted
GOLD-Standard Kinder-Multi als Fruchtmix, zuckerfrei
60, 120 Chewables
Out of stock
Natures Plus

€23.77 - €42.29

Animal Parade® GOLD Multivitamin Cherry
Zuckerfreies Kinder-Multi aus der GOLD-Serie
60, 120 Chewables
In stock
Natures Plus

€23.77 - €42.29

  • A large selection of choice
  • Service-oriented customer support
  • Fast dispatch 
Animal Parade® GOLD Multivitamin orange flavor
Zuckerfreies Kinder-Multi aus der GOLD-Serie
120 Lozenges
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® GOLD Multivitamin sugar free
Zuckerfreies Kinder-Multi aus der GOLD-Serie
120 Lozenges
In stock
Natures Plus


  • A large selection of choice
  • Service-oriented customer support
  • Fast dispatch 
Animal Parade® GOLD Multivitamin watermelon flavor
Zuckerfreies Kinder-Multi aus der GOLD-Serie
120 Tozenges animal shape
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® Inner Ear Support
Probiotikum für Kinder
90 Tablets
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® KidGreenz®
Gemüse-Extrakte für Kinder
90 Tozenges animal shape
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® Kids Immune Booster
Lutschtabletten mit Beerengeschmack
90 Lozenges
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® KidZinc®
Lutschtabletten in Tierform mit Mandarinengeschmack für Kinder
90 Tozenges animal shape
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® Liquid
Flüssiges Multivitamin mit Beerengeschmack für Kinder
236 ml
In stock
Natures Plus


  • A large selection of choice
  • Service-oriented customer support
  • Fast dispatch 
Animal Parade® MAG Kidz
Zuckerfreie Magnesium-Lutschtabletten mit Fruchtgeschmack für Kinder
90 Tozenges animal shape
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® MAG Kidz powder
Zuckerfreies Magnesiumpulver mit Fruchtgeschmack für Kinder
171 Powder
In stock
Natures Plus


  • A large selection of choice
  • Service-oriented customer support
  • Fast dispatch 
Animal Parade® Multivitamin
Zuckerfreies Kinder-Multi
90 Tablets
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® Multivitamin Kirschgeschmack
Kinder-Multi mit Kirschgeschmack
90, 180 Chewables
Product discontinued
Natures Plus

€25.18 - €41.65

Animal Parade® Multivitamin Orangengeschmack
Kinder-Multi mit Orangengeschmack
90, 180 Chewables
In stock
Natures Plus

€25.18 - €41.65

Animal Parade® Multivitamin Traubengeschmack
Kinder-Multi mit Traubengeschmack
180 Tozenges animal shape
In stock
Natures Plus


  • A large selection of choice
  • Service-oriented customer support
  • Fast dispatch 
Animal Parade® Multivitamin Wassermelonengeschmack
Kinder-Multi mit Wassermelonengeschmack
180 Tozenges animal shape
In stock
Natures Plus


What are vitamins? 

Healthy food is an important topic in society. But what are vitamins and what vitamins are there? We have summarized the details about vitamins A, B, C and Co. on this page in a way that is easy to understand.

The body needs vitamins for the metabolism in the body to function properly. Vitamins cannot be produced by the body itself. Therefore, a healthy diet with sufficient fruit and vegetables is important. They are organic molecules that are formed by plants, bacteria or animals.

Vitamins are substances that cannot be synthesized. An organism does not need vitamins as a source of energy, but as essential substances that are needed for various processes in the body. If our body lacks vitamins, deficiency symptoms occur.

Vitamins influence the immune system and are vital for the development of cells, blood cells, bones and teeth.