• Large selection
  • High quality products
  • Fast dispatch

Especially for kids

We offer a specific selection of food supplement, designed for children. Some products are shaped in cute animals with yummy taste, or even a nice drink for babies. Cause it can be tricky for parents to provide in all the right nutrition with their kids. 

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Animal Parade® Assorted
Lutschtabletten in Tierform, Kirsch-, Orangen- und Traubengeschmack
90, 180 Chewables
In stock
Natures Plus

€25.18 - €41.65

Animal Parade® Vitamin C, 125 mg
Zuckerfreies Vitamin C für Kinder
90 Tablets
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® Omega 3/6/9 Junior
Essenzielle Fettsäuren für Kinder
90 Softgels
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® Multivitamin Kirschgeschmack
Kinder-Multi mit Kirschgeschmack
90, 180 Chewables
Product discontinued
Natures Plus

€25.18 - €41.65

Animal Parade® GOLD Multivitamin orange flavor
Zuckerfreies Kinder-Multi aus der GOLD-Serie
120 Lozenges
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® Calcium, 125 mg
Calcium-Lutschtabletten mit Vanillegeschmack für Kinder
90 Tozenges animal shape
In stock
Natures Plus


  • A large selection of choice
  • Service-oriented customer support
  • Fast dispatch 
Animal Parade® Vitamin D3 500 IE
Cherry flavour chewable tablets
90 Tozenges animal shape
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® GOLD Multivitamin assorted
GOLD-Standard Kinder-Multi als Fruchtmix, zuckerfrei
60, 120 Chewables
Out of stock
Natures Plus

€23.77 - €42.29

Animal Parade® DHA
90 Lutschtabletten in Tierform mit Kirschgeschmack für Kinder
90 Lozenges
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® GOLD Multivitamin Cherry
Zuckerfreies Kinder-Multi aus der GOLD-Serie
60, 120 Chewables
In stock
Natures Plus

€23.77 - €42.29

  • A large selection of choice
  • Service-oriented customer support
  • Fast dispatch 
Animal Parade® Multivitamin
Zuckerfreies Kinder-Multi
90 Tablets
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® Kids Immune Booster
Lutschtabletten mit Beerengeschmack
90 Lozenges
In stock
Natures Plus


  • A large selection of choice
  • Service-oriented customer support
  • Fast dispatch 
Animal Parade® Baby Plex®
Vitamintropfen für Babys
60 ml Liquid
Out of stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® AcidophiKidz®
Probiotika für Kinder
90 Lozenges
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® Tummy Zyme
Enzyme für Kinder
90 Tablets
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® Vitamin D3 500 IU Sugarfree
Zuckerfreies Vitamin D3 für Kinder
90 Tozenges animal shape
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® KidGreenz®
Gemüse-Extrakte für Kinder
90 Tozenges animal shape
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® GOLD Multivitamin sugar free
Zuckerfreies Kinder-Multi aus der GOLD-Serie
120 Lozenges
In stock
Natures Plus


  • A large selection of choice
  • Service-oriented customer support
  • Fast dispatch 
Animal Parade® Liquid
Flüssiges Multivitamin mit Beerengeschmack für Kinder
236 ml
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® GOLD Multivitamin watermelon flavor
Zuckerfreies Kinder-Multi aus der GOLD-Serie
120 Tozenges animal shape
In stock
Natures Plus


  • A large selection of choice
  • Service-oriented customer support
  • Fast dispatch 
Animal Parade® Multivitamin Orangengeschmack
Kinder-Multi mit Orangengeschmack
90, 180 Chewables
In stock
Natures Plus

€25.18 - €41.65

Animal Parade® Inner Ear Support
Probiotikum für Kinder
90 Tablets
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® Tooth Fairy
Probiotische Mischung für den Mundraum
90 Lozenges
In stock
Natures Plus


Animal Parade® Multivitamin Traubengeschmack
Kinder-Multi mit Traubengeschmack
180 Tozenges animal shape
In stock
Natures Plus


  • A large selection of choice
  • Service-oriented customer support
  • Fast dispatch 
Nährstoffe für aktive Kinder
60, 120 Chewables
In stock
Natures Plus

€34.11 - €60.85